Title of Property: MARINA'S VIEW
Island: Eleuthera
Listed Price: $6,800,000
Property Type: Land Only
Business Type: Acreage
Business Type: Acreage
Currency: BSD
Description: Approximately 17 pristine acres of virgin land extending from Queen's Highway to the Caribbean Sea with 695' linear feet of beachfront coastline. The water is typically calm(er) than on the Atlantic Ocean, which makes this acreage ideally suited for a combination luxury single or multifamily residential development as a principal place of residence with a marina at which to dock your boat or yacht. The draft approximates 10' at low tide. Access to all infrastructure is available from the main road of Queens Highway. Modern living in the form of an airport, grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants and others to which you have grown accustomed are available at your convenience. Luxurious Harbour Island is only a Ferry Ride away. Marriott's French Leave Resort is 1/2 mile Northwest. Eleuthera is not Manhattan but to the contrary, almost second to none as a clandestine location where you can getaway, relax and clear your mind in a quiet peaceful setting. The property is elevated as high as 20' above sea level and lowers gradually as one gets to the ocean.
MLS Number: 55313
Date Modified: 05/07/2024
Listed by: Hideaways Real Estate